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Thursday, August 5, 2010

I dont need this but fo all of you men that are lacking..

Getting shut down by the ladies? Not to worrry your time will come..

What Women Want in a Man (by age)

What I Want in a Man,

Original List (age 22)

Financially successful
A caring listener
In good shape
Dresses with style
Appreciates finer things
Full of thoughtful surprises
An imaginative, romantic lover

What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 32)

Nice looking--prefer hair on his head
Opens car doors, holds chairs
Has enough money for a nice dinner
Listens more than talks
Laughs at my jokes
Carries bags of groceries with ease
Owns at least one tie
Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
Remembers anniversaries
Seeks romance at least once a week

What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 42)

Not too ugly--bald head OK
Doesn't drive off until I'm in the car
Works steady--splurges on dinner at Denny's on occasion
Nods head when I'm talking
Usually remembers punch lines of jokes
Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
Wears a shirt that covers his stomach
Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids
Remembers to put the toilet seat down
Shaves on most weekends
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 52)

Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed
Doesn't belch or scratch in public
Doesn't borrow money too often
Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting
Doesn't re-tell same joke too many times
Is in good enough shape to get off couch on weekends
Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
Appreciates a good TV dinner
Remembers your name on occasion
Shaves some weekends

What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 62)

Doesn't scare small children
Remembers where bathroom is
Doesn't require much money for upkeep
Only snores lightly when awake (LOUDLY when asleep)
Remembers why he's laughing
Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself
Usually wears some clothes
Likes soft foods
Remembers where he left his teeth
Remembers that it is a weekend

What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 72)


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wyclef for Pres and Shikara for VP..those hips don't lie

(CNN) -- Wyclef Jean will announce exclusively on CNN's "Larry King Live" Thursday night that he intends to run for president of Haiti, a source close to the Haitian recording artist said Tuesday.
Jean has been an outspoken proponent of Haiti through his Yele Foundation and was one of the first celebrities to offer aid after the devastating earthquake there in January. He told CNN late last month that he has filled out the necessary paperwork to make a run at the country's highest office.
Jean, who was born in Haiti, shot to fame in the mid-1990s as a member of The Fugees, a U.S.-based hip-hop and reggae group. He performs now as a solo artist.

Monday, August 2, 2010

"The pickup line: Is there one that ever works?"

"The pickup line: Is there one that ever works?"
July 06, 2010|By Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz, Tribune Newspapers

So a guy walks into a bar and approaches a woman who is alone, looking bored. The guy asks, "Are you having fun?" and the woman responds that she is.

"You should let your face know," says the guy.


"It's so ridiculously horrible," laughs Adam Lyons, describing the most awesomely bad pickup line he has heard men try — really, men have used it.

To Lyons, who last year was named "America's No. 1 Pickup Artist" at the Pickup Artist World Summit, pickup lines have no place in a true seducer's repertoire. They bomb when they're recognized as such, and they're easier to smell than ever, thanks to secrets divulged in Neil Strauss' book, "The Game," and the VH1 reality show "The Pickup Artist."

Even once-interesting openers (a favorite: "Who lies more, men or women?") have gone the way of "Come here often?" and "What's your sign?"

Still, there is an art to approaching the object of your affection, he said. It involves not so much a line as an opening sequence.

The easiest approach, Lyons said, is the functional line, typically a question such as, "Where's the nearest Starbucks?" or "Is there anywhere good to eat around here?" You can also open with a compliment or observation about something you both are experiencing, such as a crowded bus.

The trick is to turn that 10-second interaction into a conversation, a transition most easily accomplished by making an observation about the pickup-ee (e.g., "That's a really interesting accent; where are you from?"), followed by relevant questions that convey kindness and genuine interest in the person. (Some people call this "regular social skills.") Attitude is crucial: Smile, make eye contact, speak slowly, Lyons said. Ultimately, you want to project confidence.

"You should be happy and playful, a little sexual and fun," said Justin "JDOG" Marks, who co-hosted "The Pickup Artist."
Asked separately to name their favorite opener, both Lyons and Marks had similar answers: "Hello, my name is ..."

It may represent the advent of an anti-gimmick, anti-pickup line era.

My boy Ashton using my stuff again..

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Very concerning news in Mexican midget wrestling

For those of you that don't know my official photographer his name is Sergio, Jr. He is a very small man. Please don't call him a midget to his face. Anyway the only thing he likes more than a passionate game of Jai alai is to watch his home boys do their thing on mat in Mexico. They are midgets and recently this article came to light about two of his own being cut down in their prime. I mean really cut down..dead...here is the story:

Two Mexican Midget Wrestlers Killed by Fake Prostitutes

Friday, July 03, 2009

MEXICO CITY — Mexican authorities say two professional wrestlers found dead in a low-rent hotel in the capital may have been drugged to death by female robbers.

Autopsies are being performed on the two midget wrestlers, one of whom went by the name "La Parkita" — or "Little Death" — and wore a skeleton costume in the ring. The other was known as "Espectrito Jr."

Authorities say two women were seen leaving the men's hotel room before the bodies were discovered.

Prosecutor Miguel Angel Mancera said Wednesday that gangs of female robbers are experienced at using drugs to knock men out and rob them, but they may have used too strong a dose.

That may have been because of the wrestlers' small stature, although larger men have also died in similar crimes.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Can Women Run GAME on Men?

Pulled this from a Susan Walsh's blog:

Can Women Run GAME on Men?

Posted by Susan Walsh on Feb 1, 2010 in Relationship Strategies, What Guys Want |

“He doesn’t get a monopoly on the rent space in her head. He doesn’t get Park Place, and he doesn’t get Boardwalk. He gets one of those little purple properties next to Go.”

Sherry Argov, Why Men Love Bitches

Since I wrote about Game in a positive light last week here, I’ve heard from several women who would like to learn a female version to get the men they want. I’ve also received some emails from women concerned about how to resist Game when it’s being wielded by an unscrupulous man. These are both excellent questions.

Can women run Game on men?

No. No they can’t, sorry.

Women are more selective than men when it comes to mating. Because they [theoretically] risk pregnancy with each sexual encounter, they must choose carefully to give their unborn children the best possible genes on offer, from a man they believe they can depend on to co-parent. Men compete with one another for the right to have sex with the female of their choice. However, men are not too choosy, because their biological imperative is to inseminate as many women as they can. Men report that for them, the sexual attraction switch is a simple on or off, and it doesn’t take much to flip it into the ON position.

Game gives men a shot at improving their chances as they compete with one another for sex. It was derived from an understanding of evo psych, and honed by watching the responses of women to men in the field. The explicit goal of Game is to win the sexual attraction of the female. How it goes from there is up to the parties involved. In my opinion, a smart man will continue to apply whatever knowledge he has about female psychology to further his case for as long as he knows her.

The only things women need to win the sexual attraction of the male is a vagina and a willingness to share. That’s Game for women, right there. It’s probably not enough to support one blog, much less a whole industry. This leads us to the second question.

Once a woman has signaled sexual attraction, is she just a sitting duck? Does she cross her fingers (if not her legs) and hope that the desired man is not a predator?

Is there anything a woman can do to maximize her chances of getting a man into a committed relationship?

Yes. Yes, there is.

Raised on a steady diet of fairy tales, romantic comedies, chick lit, and women’s magazines, women are prone to being too accomodating in their dealings with men, to their own detriment. We fear that if we stand up for ourselves we will lack femininity and repel Prince Charming. We want to be his ready and waiting Dream Girl, and when we think we may have glimpsed him, joy wells up in us and all is right with the world.

Then we watch his back as he runs for the hills. If we’re especially unlucky, we may have to watch him proceed to newer, more alluring prey.

The best book for women ever written on this topic is Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov. I have read many, many self-help books for women, and most of them suck. I loathe The Rules, which is all about pretending to be something you’re not, and I have a love/hate relationship with He’s Just Not That Into You, which is all about coming to grips with not being something he wants. Women need real information, based on male psychology whenever possible. I believe Ms. Argov has done quite a good job of laying down some very effective advice.

Why did Sherry Argov write Bitches?

SA believes that women habitually make the mistake of being “too nice.” This often manifests itself as neediness and weakness, which equates to a lack of self-respect.

You cannot win a man’s affection without first earning his respect.

The attraction part? That’s easy. It’s the sticking around part that gets really, really difficult to pull off.

SA describes a woman with high self-esteem:

  • She possesses a subtle strength, which comes from her ability to be independent.
  • She does not give up what she values in her life.
  • She knows what she wants, but will not compromise herself to get it.
  • She uses her femininity to full advantage, but she plays fair.
  • She does not indulge in romantic fantasy, but uses presence of mind to pull back when appropriate.
  • She must give low priority to what other people think.

SA interviewed hundreds of men in writing the book, and the prevailing theme was that men want a “mental challenge.” They focused on wanting a woman who is independent rather than needy, and many mentioned liking women with a bit of an “edge.” Her book is laid out as a series of 100 Attraction Principles. Below is a sampling of the ones I found crucial in Chapter One.

AP #1: Anything a person chases in life runs away.

Men run away from a woman whose behavior suggests that she doesn’t place a high value on herself. When a woman deals a man her best card right away, he has gotten a reward without putting in any time or effort. Her best card may be sex, or it may be her going to ridiculous lengths to cook for him, etc. Do not outpace the interest of any man. If a man earns your affection, you may reward him for it and he will appreciate your acknowledgement of his effort more.

AP #3: A woman is perceived as offering a mental challenge to the degree that a man doesn’t feel he has a 100% hold on her.

It’s about whether you are capable of holding your own in a relationship. Do you expect respect? Does he know that you are not afraid to be without him? The nice girl doesn’t want to “play games,” and is available all the time. A bitch is more selective about her availability. A bitch DOES NOT DO BOOTY CALLS.

A woman who believes she is not enough does the following:

  • She calls him often.
  • She is on call for last minute plans.
  • She states clearly that a relationship is her goal, and asks him about it early on.
  • She is often mad and disappointed when he doesn’t pay enough attention to her.
  • She asks him about his ex or other girls.

A woman who believes she is enough says “Take it or leave it.”

  • She returns his calls when she’s free.
  • She sees him when it is convenient, and does not sacrifice other plans, work or rest to see him.
  • She wants to have fun, not make promises to a virtual stranger.
  • She allows him enough distance to be curious as to where she is and what she’s up to.
  • If he brings up his ex, she looks at her watch. She refuses to compete with other women.

AT #6: It is your attitude about yourself that a man will adopt.

When a man considers a woman a prize, looks have little to do with it. It’s because she believed she was a prize, and acted like it.

The first date is about looks. When he falls in love, it’s about your attitude. It’s how you hold yourself, and whether you can hold your own. The difficult part is not attracting his interest, butsustaining it.

When a woman gives 100% to “make it work,” a man feels, “She is really nice, but there just isn’t any chemistry.” In contrast, a bitch loves herself, so she could never want anyone who doesn’t want her. NEXT!

AT #9: The bitch prioritizes her dignity over having a relationship.

A man cannot need a needy woman. He cannot depend on a dependent woman. He cannot fear the loss of a woman who is afraid to lose him. These things are all mutually exclusive.

A bitch is polite but clear, and communicates very directly, in much the same way that men communicate with one another.

In summary, here are the 10 characteristics that define her:

  1. She maintains her independence at all times.
  2. She does not pursue him or keep tabs on him.
  3. She is mysterious. This means being honest without revealing everything. She does not lay all her cards on the table.
  4. She leaves him wanting. Men equate longing with love. Don’t be so available that he has no opportunity to experience longing.
  5. She doesn’t let him see her sweat. She speaks in a “bottom line” way.
  6. She remains in control of her time.
  7. She maintains a sense of humor, except about disrespect.
  8. She places a high value on herself, and doesn’t compete with other women.
  9. She is passionate about things other than him.
  10. She treats her body like a finely tuned machine. She maintains her fitness and health as a reflection of her self-respect.

This is good stuff, no? And that’s just Chapter One. You need to buy, beg, borrow or steal this book. (If you do decide to buy it, you can click on the Amazon image to the right = tres simple.) It’s not Game, but it’s a pretty nice blueprint for holding your own in a relationship. How “bitchy” you will need to be will vary somewhat depending on the kind of guy you’re with, and you should feel free to fine tune as necessary.

Men learn fast that showing too much interest too soon drives a woman’s attraction down to zero.

Women need to learn that becoming dependent and committed too soon signals low value and will similarly drive a man’s attraction through the floor. Or up into the hills.